Breaking Free from the Template Trap: Embrace Authenticity in Online Writing and Selling

There are people to teach you,

- How to Write Online (Hook-Body-CTA, srsly?)
- How to Sell (Pitch-Penetrate-Close, Ufff!)
- How to make Money Online (1000+ ways?? oh yeah!)

But, don’t you think what’s happening here?

You have ‘Templatised yourself’ into unwanted standards just because you think ‘its easy’ and ‘it works’.

But let me tell you something,

Selling or Building Online is nothing different from Building offline — except, you need to Build more trust, Make yourself more ‘resonateable’ by Being YOU, and show them WHY you are the person they have to invest in.

And this — wouldn’t work with templates!

If you are someone who does not know where to start from — it’s okay, take templates. It helps to step up instead of staying stuck.

But, do not be engulfed in it. Do not depend on templates — every time.

Every time you do that — your creativity dries out, and your brain fears being original. It’s just stuck to being boxed into formats and it forgets to let itself out.

Writing Online — is expressing yourself. So express yourself. Without thinking about formats

Selling Online — is telling Prospects what they can expect after paying you.

Just tell them. Show the original you.

That is your Merit.

Forget Algorithms. Be You and you will get what you want.



Saranya Narayana Moorthy | B2B High Ticket Sales

Helping B2B Entrepreneurs transition into the High Ticket Segments and Generate Leads. 7yrs Exp | 170+ Clients - Build your Sales System & Scale your Profits